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Do you need a solution for solving discolored teeth?Fix it with Veneers!

Date: 17 May 2024
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⚠️ Do you need a solution for solving discolored teeth? 🦷 …Fix it with Veneers!

👨‍⚕️ Dental Veneers whitens your teeth and also prevents tooth discoloration which gives durability option for you to boost your confidence when smiling.
✅Composite : 5,000 / Tooth
✅E-Max / Lisi / Amber : 13,000 / Tooth

👨‍⚕ For faster treatment, make an appointment consult with our Dentists FREE ‼
Free of charge, Book and make appointment, inform your name, phone number and
date that the patient will come to the clinic. 🏩 ✏️AB Dental Clinic
Or book via this Facebook by INBOX and talk to us now. 💙

✨ Consultation and ready to receive privileges easily at…👩‍⚕

ผู้เขียน : W.tanarat W.Tanarat